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Apply With je’toye

(904) 728-6168


Je’toye Flornoy

Mortgage Loan Originator

NMLS #2450960

Je’toye is a proud Florida native and devoted mother of three. Her journey in the financial and real estate industries began in 2005 when she entered the banking sector. By 2007, she transitioned to private banking, and in 2009, she became a licensed real estate professional.

Today, Je’toye manages her own brokerage and real estate school—a vision that began in 2010 when she joined the in-house mortgage division of a major bank. She has dedicated herself to excelling in every facet of real estate and mortgage, ensuring she is a trusted asset to her clients and partners.

Je’toye is passionate about guiding her clients through every step of their journey, from the initial contract to closing day. She is committed to helping others achieve their real estate goals with expertise and care.