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Apply With Franklyn

(904) 846-5181


Franklyn Rodriguez

Mortgage Broker,

NMLS #2551962

Franklyn was born in St. Lucia, Cuba, a picturesque beach town, and grew up deeply connected to Miami’s rich and dynamic culture, where his family is from. With an MBA from Boston University, Franklyn has built a thriving career as a mortgage broker, where he excels in designing personalized mortgage plans, assisGng first-Gme homebuyers, and fostering strong collaboraGons with real estate agents.

Passionate about providing excepGonal service, Franklyn is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their dreams of homeownership.

When he’s not working, Franklyn enjoys spending Gme with his wife, Noelle, and their son, soaking up the sun on the beaches, playing soccer, and exploring the great outdoors.